quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011


A edição de 2011 do World Economic Forum de Davos terminou há dias e, uma vez mais, marcou a agenda politica e económica internacional. Na opinião de Gideon Rachman, Chief Foreign Affairs do jornal Financial Times, que faz aqui uma pormenorizada análise deste Forum, os assuntos em destaque nesta edição foram, fundamentalmente, os seguintes: "...the relative economic optimism, greater among economists and pundits than ceos; very strong appearances by President Sarkozy, prime minister Cameron, George Osborne, UK chancellor of the exchequer, President Medvedev of Russia and President Yudhoyono of Indonesia; the amazingly powerful delegations from China and India and the launch of “India !nclusive” to demonstrate the social benefits of economic growth. In addition, there was a strong and varied attendance of more than 100 ceos at the International Business Council; the first “non-Labour” always well attended British Business Lunch and well prepared and researched sessions on environmental and sustainability issues.But there was very limited focus and warning of the issues developing around Davos at the same time – little warning or adequate analysis of events in Tunisia or Egypt (some economists and security experts even dismissed these events as “just local difficulties” as late as Thursday night, or discussion of the “soft” issues of inflation (particularly food prices), unemployment and youth unemployment, or income inequality and whether it does or does not cause deep recessions; finally, whether we will have a G20 or G2, or G7 or G8 or Ian Bremmer’s G0."  E para que não restem dúvidas sobre a relevância desta iniciativa, Gideon Rachman conclui desta maneira a sua avaliação de Davos'2011: "... an extraordinary, intense and unique experience. There is even now (after 40 years) nothing like it. (...) It is the supreme networking experience, at its most efficient, even if the tariff is high. You really can accomplish many months of work in a few days (no exaggeration)."