George Soros, financeiro norte-americano de origem húngara, anunciou numa entrevista que tenciona doar cerca de 100 milhões de USD à organização não-governamental Human Rights Watch. Esta é a primeira de uma serie de iniciativas filantrópicas que Soros pretende desenvolver nos próximos tempos. Segundo o jornal New York Times "It is the largest gift he has made, the largest gift by far that Human Rights Watch has ever received, and only the second gift of $100 million or more made by an individual this year, according to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University (....) So far this year, Mr. Soros has donated about $700 million to various causes, including the gift to Human Rights Watch. His hedge fund, Quantum Endowment, grew 29 percent in 2009, earning him $3.3 billion in fees and investment gains."