domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

Do immigrants create exports? Evidence from Spain

Um estudo publicado no Vox refere que a imigração têm um papel determinante na promoção das relações comerciais. Tendo por base uma análise do caso espanhol, os autores deste trabalho concluem que  "...doubling the number of immigrants leads to a 10% increase in exports to their country of origin. The effect is even bigger for countries which are culturally different. People often perceive the economic consequence of immigration as an increase in the supply of unskilled labour and as increasing the demand for public goods. Neither effect – whether real or perceived – is considered as a benefit. But immigrants bring more than their skills. Immigrants bring both knowledge of and connections with the markets, the populations and the economies of their “mother” countries. This often ignored contribution to the economic activity of the host country may help connect buyers and sellers, and help overcome hurdles to economic interactions, such as weak international legal institutions."
Uma excelente pista de pesquisa para o caso português onde a imigração, bem como a emigração, é uma realidade relevante e incontornável do nosso sistema económico e social.