Numa altura em acaba de tomar posse o novo Presidente da Ucrânia, uma Comissão Internacional constituida por diversos especialistas independentes - co-dirigida por Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow do Peterson Institute for International Economis - apresenta, num excelente relatório, um conjunto de propostas para o primeiro ano da nova presidência ucraniana.
Esta Comissão Internacional refere que "After the presidential elections, Ukraine will have a unique opportunity to implement reforms that will lay the foundation for sustainable economic growth. The Commission concludes that Ukraine (1) needs new organizational capacity for reforms, (2) should prioritize reforms, and (3) should use international organizations—the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the World Bank—as lighthouses to guide its reforms. The Commission suggests 10 politically feasible priorities in 2010 for Ukraine: carry out gas reform; make the National Bank of Ukraine independent; move toward inflation targeting; cut public expenditures; undertake comprehensive deregulation of enterprise; conclude a European Association Agreement; get privatization going again; legalize private sales of agricultural land; adopt a Law on Public Information; and complete modernizing commercial legislation."
Vamos ver quais vão ser as principais linhas de orientação politica que vão ser implementadas nos próximos meses pelas autoridades de Kiev.